Terms and Conditions
Realistic Sweet Gallery Right
The icons, signs, page header, button icon, statement, service name on our website all belongs to the trademark or upholster of Realistic Sweet Gallery.de and its affiliated companies.
All these icons or upholsters ought not to be employed to any products or services unrelated to Realistic Sweet Gallery.de and its affiliated companies in any manner of possibly misleading consumers or depreciating or defaming Realistic Sweet Gallery.de and its affiliated companies.
All other trademarks showing on Realistic Sweet Gallery.de except the principal parts above belong to the respective properties of the owners, who may be or may not be related to Realistic Sweet Gallery.de or its affiliated companies or sponsored by Realistic Sweet Gallery.de or its affiliated companies.
Without the written permission of Realistic Sweet Gallery.de or its trademark owner, anything on Realistic Sweet Gallery.de should not be explained as anyone is granted with permission by connivance or other manners or justified to use any trademarks shown on our website.
User Account ok
If you decide to use our website, you are responsible for keeping your account information and password secrete and restricting the entry to your computer, and you also approve to respond to all the activities with your account and password.
If you still do not reach the age of 18, you are justified to decide by yourself to refuse services, close account, delete or edit content and cancel an order on Realistic Sweet Gallery.de and its affiliated companies. Only when you're under your parent's or guardians' supervision and within the scope of relevant international laws.
You also warded Realistic Sweet Gallery.de and its affiliated companies and relicensed person the rights to use the name you provided along with these content if they choose to do that. You declare and assure that you have the rights to control the posted content in another manner if the content is accurate. You declare and assure that you will compensate for the damage to Realistic Sweet Gallery.de and its affiliated companies brought by the content you provide.
Realistic Sweet Gallery.de have rights (but no obligation) to censor and edit or delete any activities or content. We are not responsible for the submission of messages from you or any third parties.
Unless otherwise specified, the company will only comply with the minimum packing standards for the selected mode of transport. All charges for special packing, loading or supporting required by the Buyer shall be borne by the Buyer. All packing and transportation expenses of the Buyer's special equipment shall be borne by the Buyer.
Unless otherwise specified, the Company will use its judgment to determine the carrier and route. In neither case shall our company be liable for any delay or excessive shipping costs resulting from the choice.
Payment Terms
The discount applies only to the invoice value of the material (not to tax or freight). If the buyer's financial position is determined by us, we reserve the right to require an advance payment or a satisfactory guarantee for the goods. If the Buyer fails to pay in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or any mortgage agreement, or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Company may at its option (and other remedies) cancel any unshipped portion of this Order. The Buyer shall be responsible for all unpaid expenses.
These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of UK.