Once the order is placed, our system will send you an email with the order details. To track your order, please enter Tracking Number in the following input box and click Track. The online update of logistics information may be delayed for 1-2 days, please wait patiently.
Attention: If you purchase multiple items, your order may be split into multiple packages. If you only receive one of the packages, please don't worry and wait patiently.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via service@rsgdolls.com.
const settings_product_title = "title";
const product_grid_image_size = "100%";
const settings_product_image_hover_on = true;
let settings_product_save_label = true;
const settings_product_swatches_name = {"0":"material","1":"style","2":"size","3":"body material","4":"opened eyes or closed","6":"options","7":"package options","8":"clothes set","9":"gender","10":"materail","11":"package option"};
const settings_collection_color_swatches = true;
const variantShowLimit = 4;
const private_id = 'product-tmpl-' + Math.random().toFixed(6).slice(-6)
const product_variants = data.variants || [];
const product_id = data.id;
const images = data.images || [];
const image = data.image || {};
const imageWidth = image.width;
let imageHeight = image.height;
if (product_grid_image_size !== 'natural') {
imageHeight = (imageWidth * parseFloat(product_grid_image_size)) / 100;
const price = Number(data.price_min);
let compareAtPrice = Number(data.compare_at_price);
let offRatio = data.off_ratio;
const type = data.type;
const isMock = data.isMock;
let product_image_hover_on = false;
for (let i = 0; i < product_variants.length; i++) {
const item = product_variants[i];
const vcap = Number(item.compare_at_price);
if (item.price == price && vcap > compareAtPrice) {
compareAtPrice = vcap;
offRatio = item.off_ratio;
let second_image = null;
if (settings_product_image_hover_on) {
for (let i = 1; i < images.length; i++) {
const img = images[i];
if (img.src && img.src.indexOf('video=') === -1) {
second_image = img;
product_image_hover_on = true;
let sold_label_on = false;
let sale_label_on = false;
if (settings_product_save_label == null) {
settings_product_save_label = true;
if (!data.available) {
sold_label_on = true;
if (settings_product_save_label && compareAtPrice > price && data.available) {
sale_label_on = true;
const diffPrice = compareAtPrice - price;
const variantValues = [];
const showVariants = [];
if (data.need_variant_image && settings_collection_color_swatches && settings_product_swatches_name.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < (data.options || []).length; i++) {
const option = data.originData.options[i];
const optionName = option.name && option.name.toLowerCase();
if (settings_product_swatches_name.includes(optionName)) {
for (let j = 0; j < product_variants.length; j++) {
const variant = product_variants[j];
const value = variant.options[i].value;
if (!variantValues.includes(value)) {
return `